still shot from The Matrix two hands each offering a pill

The Matrix: the Red Pill/Blue Pill scene

Keanu Reeves’ Neo character is offered the chance to either go back to living in a dream world, or discover the brutal reality of his existence.

/ September 9, 2017
key art from the movie poster of Catch-22

Catch 22: the Major Major scene

Chaplain Tappmann (Anthony Perkins) swings by Major Major's (Bob Newhart) office for a first-hand experience of management in absentia.

/ September 2, 2017
Picture of Alec Baldwin holding up steak knives in Glengarry Glen Ross

Glengarry Glen Ross: the Always Be Closing scene

Alec Baldwin arrives for a scene-stealing turn to somewhat forcefully up-the-stakes to sales incentive scheme by adding a new third prize.

/ September 1, 2017